Praise Center Church

           Making His Praise Glorious


Sunday Services 11am

1st and 3rd Sundays Streaming Online Only

 2nd & 4th Sundays Greater St. Peter's Church, located at 4400 Detroit, Michigan 48207

Wednesday Communion Service, 7pm Streaming Online

Friday, Prayer Call, 7pm-8:15pm Streaming Online



We define evangelism as the work that the church does to present the gospel of Jesus Christ to people without a relationship with God through acceptance and faith in Jesus Christ as commanded in scripture.
We also believe that those who identify themselves as called to be evangelists will primarily work to win those who are termed lost to saving faith in God through confession of faith in Jesus Christ.
Evangelism is not the act or activities of preaching the gospel to those who are already saved or to those who are hurting and saved, or oppressed and saved. That is the responsibility of the pastor of the local congregation.  Most  times, Christians who are consistently dysfunctional, in dysfunctional relationships, and are in areas of prolonged affliction, primarily arises out of failure to be properly discipled. Evangelism is about preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ in new harvest fields.
For this purpose, we have endeavored to evangelize in areas where they have not had an opportunity to hear a clear and concise presentation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We seek to give members of the congregation opportunities to share their faith with others. The elders and staff encourage our membership to evangelize their friends, family, and neighbors.
Some people assume that we encourage our membership to force the gospel on people. The clearest presentation of the gospel of Jesus Christ is through an overcoming lifestyle. You must consistently demonstrate the gospel through a compelling lifestyle. If our lifestyle is out of balance, debt ridden, hurried, and defeated, it becomes hard for people to believe that we serve a God Who is all powerful and all knowing.  Acts 1:8, says, God gives us the power to declare the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is in that power and through that power that we serve.
Who is called to do the work of an evangelist? Every member in the body of Christ is charged with the responsibility to do the work of an evangelist.
Where is the harvest? Jesus said, the harvest field is ripe and ready. He said, we are called into other men's labor. The harvest field is in the our midst. The harvest field lays all around us.
We must define our soul winning strategies for this day and hour.  The dictionary defines strategy as the art of the general. Jesus gave us our soul winning strategy in Matthew 28:19-20. In our ongoing effort to be on the cutting edge of evangelism and to make full proof of our ministry, we are evaluating, adapting, and changing our strategies for more effective outreach. If our strategies are not working consistently, then we need to ask why and be willing to make the necessary changes.