Pastor Curtis Longstreet
Hello! I would like to welcome you to our website. I hope it it a blessing to you. Come back and check us out often because we are always updating our content and we desire to add value to you.I consider myself to be a passionate lover of my Heavenly Father, His Son, Jesus Christ, and person of Holy Spirit. I am committed to living a God honoring life before the heavenly host, family, fellow-workers in the Kingdom of God and a watching world.
I came to know Jesus Christ as my Savior, and the love of the Father in July 1975 at Second Ebenezer Baptist Church, Detroit Michigan. I came to know the power of Holy Spirit on Wednesday, January 19, 1980 about 8:00p.m. in a Pentecostal Church, in Yuma Arizona, while enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. This was the beginning of God transforming my life. I received power from on high, in a congregation of mixed nationalities, in a city 2,500 miles from home.