Praise Center Church

           Making His Praise Glorious


Sunday Services 11am

1st and 3rd Sundays Streaming Online Only

 2nd & 4th Sundays Greater St. Peter's Church, located at 4400 Detroit, Michigan 48207

Wednesday Communion Service, 7pm Streaming Online

Friday, Prayer Call, 7pm-8:15pm Streaming Online


Board of Elders

The Board of Elders are charged with the responsibility of providing biblical leadership to the church. The bible teaches a plurality of governmental leadership. We recognize that the church needs to be lead by godly men and women. There are many issues facing the church in today's society and it is refreshing to know that there are committed people looking after the best interest of the church on a daily basis.
The Elders are primarily focused on keeping Praise Center on course. Some of their duties include:
1. Creating policy in terms of what the church believes and practices.  It is responsible for biblical interpretation of scripture.
2. Dealing social issues
3.Handling financial issues
4. Conflict resolution, discipline, and restoration
5.Counseling the staff or members of the congregation
6. Reviewing strategic plans created by other leadership teams
7. Providing input to the Board of Directors on financial or risk management issues.
8. The tasks and responsibility of the Elders vary greatly and requires discernment as they strive to keep the church on it's biblical course.